Bezpečnost potravin

Publikace o bezpečnosti potravin v Knihovně ÚZPI

Vydáno: 21. 7. 2004

Pro čtenáře Knihovny ÚZPI je zpřístupněna kolekce odborných publikací zakoupených v rámci aktivit Informačního centra pro bezpečnost potravin při ÚZPI s cílem posílit informační zázemí o problematice bezpečnosti potravin tzv. "od vidlí po vidličku" pro odbornou i spotřebitelskou veřejnost.

Publikace Signatura
Academic Press:
Biotechnology and safety assessment , Thomas. ISBN 0126887217. 7/2002 D 90673
Encyclopedia of food sciences and nutrition . 2nd edition, 10 vol. set. L. Trugo (Ed.). 4/2003. ISBN 012227055X D 90397/1-10
Foodborne diseases . 2nd ed. Cliver. ISBN 0121765598. 9/2002 C 37766
Handbook of vegetable pests. J. Capinera. ISBN 0121588610. 2001 D 90742
2000 BCPC Conference – Pests + Diseases. ISBN 1-9011396-57-6. 2000 D 90595
The biopesticide manual – new edition. ISBN 1-901396-29-0. 2001 D 90785
Human exposure to pesticide residues, natural toxins and GMOs : Real and perceived threats. Proceedings No. 75. ISBN 1-901396-754. 2000 D 86100/75
The pesticide manual – 12th edition. C. Tomlin (Ed.). ISBN 1-901396-12-6. 2000 D 90784
The world´s worst weeds. Proceedings No. 77. ISBN 1-901396-77-0. 2001 D 86100/77
Slugs and snails: Agricultural, veterinary and environmental perspectives. Proceedings No. 80. ISBN 1-901396-80-0. 2003 D 86100/80
Business horizons. Pharmaceutical publishers:
Quality control of herbal drugs . P.K. Mukherjee. ISBN 81-9000788-4-4. 2002 D 90736
CABI Publishing:
The behavioural ecology of parasites. E. E. Lewis. ISBN 0-85199-615-9. 9/2002 D 90826
Biological control of vertebrate pests: The history of myxomatosis – an experiment in evolution, F. Fenner. ISBN 0851993230. 1999 D 90897
Carbohydrates in grain legume seeds: Improving nutritional quality and agronomic characteristics. ISBN 0851994679. 2000 D 90811
Escherichia coli 0157 in farm animals . C. S. Stewart (Ed.). ISBN 085199332x. 1999 D 90814
Food safety: Contaminants and toxins . J. P. F. D´Mello. ISBN 0-85199-607-8. 10/2002 D 90810
Macrocyclic lactones in antiparasitic therapy. J. Vercruysse. ISBN 0851996175. 10/2002 D 90824
Managing agricultural biotechnology: Addressing research program needs and policy implications, J. I. Cohen (Ed.). ISBN 0851994008. 1999 D 84098/23
Managing plant genetic diversity. J. Engels (Ed.). ISBN 0851995225. 2001 D 90817
Methods in agricultural chemical analysis: A practical hadbook . N. T. Faithfull. ISBN 0-85199-608-6. 10/2002 D 90816
Nematode parasites of vertebrates. 2nd ed. Their development  and transsition. R.C. Anderson. ISBN 0851994210. 2000 D 90815
Nutrition and immune function . P. C. Calder (Ed.). ISBN 0851995837. 10/2002 D 90812
Poisonous plants and related toxins . T. Acamovic. ISBN 0-85199-614-0. 8/2002 D 90812
Poultry feedstuffs: Supply, composition and nutritive value. M. S. Kang. ISBN 0851996019. 9/2002 C 35786/26
Sheep nutrition. M. Freer.ISBN 0851995950. 9/2002 D 90820
CRC Press:
Antioxidants in food: practical applications. J. Pokorny. ISBN 0849312221. 2001 D 90894
Auditing in the food industry . M. Dillon. ISBN 0849312140. 2001 D 90896
Automation for food engineering: Food quality quantization and process control. Y. Huang. ISBN 0849322308. 2001 D 90968
Bender´s dictionary of nutrition and food technology . 7th. ed. D. A. Bender. ISBN 0849300185. 1999 D 90972
Cereal biotechnology . P. C. Morris. ISBN 0849308992. 2000 D 90962
Cereals processing technology . G. Owens. ISBN 0849312191. 2001 D 90959
Colour in food: Improving quality . D. MacDougall. ISBN 0849315425. 9/2002 D 90964
CRC Handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition . 3rd ed. G. A. Spiller. ISBN 0849323878. 2001 D 91006
Engineering and food for the 21st centure . J. Welti-Chanes. ISBN 1566769639. 3/2002 D 90967
EU Food law: A practical guide . K. Goodburn. ISBN 0849312159. 2001 D 90973
Extrusion cooking: Technology and applications . R. Guy. ISBN 0849312078. 2001 D 90960
Fats in food technology. K. K. Rajah. ISBN 0849397847. 2001 D 91007
Fenaroli´s handbook of flavor ingredients . 4th ed. G. A. Burdock. ISBN 0849309468. 2001 B 2175
Food chemical safety: Contaminants . Vol. I. D. Watson. ISBN 0849312108. 2001 D 90774
Food chemical safety: Additives . Vol. II. D. Watson. ISBN 0849312116. 3/2002 D 90774/2
Food phytates . N. R. Reddy. ISBN 1566768675. 2001 D 90966
Food safety and international competitiveness: The case of beef. J. Spriggs. ISBN 0851995187. 2001 D 90996
Food science and food biotechnology. G. F. Gutierrez-Lopez. ISBN 1566768926. 2/2003 D 91004
Food shelf life stability : Chemical, biochemical, and microbial changes. N. A. M. Eskin. ISBN 0849389763. 2000 D 90773
Food toxicology . W. Helferich. ISBN 0849327601. 2000 D 90775
Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables : Science, technology and market. O. Lamikanra. ISBN 1587160307. 2/2002 D 90780
Fruit and vegetable biotechnology . V. Valpuesta. ISBN 0849314364. 3/2002 D 90961
HACCP in the meat industry. M. Brown. ISBN 0849308496. 2000 D 91005
Hygiene in food processing : Principles and practice. H. Lelieveld. ISBN 0849312124. 9/2003 D 90895
Chilled foods . 2nd ed. M. Stringer. ISBN 0849308569. 10/2000 D 90963
Interdisciplinary food safety research . N. H. Hooker. ISBN 0849322170. 2001 D 90781
Irradiation for food safety and quality . P. Loaharanu. ISBN 1587160811. 2001 D 90779
Lactoferrin: Natural – multifunctional – antimicrobial. N. Naidu. ISBN 0849309093. 2000 C 38070
Managing frozen foods. Ch. J. Kennedy. ISBN 0849308445. 2000 D 91003
Microbial stress adaptation and food safety. A. E. Yousef. ISBN 1566769124. 12/2002 D 90968
Osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation : Applications in food industries. P. Fito. ISBN 1587160439. 2001 D 90968
Poultry products processing: An industry guide . S. Barbut. ISBN 1587160609. 2001 D 90777
Vegetables, fruits, and herbs in health promotion . R. R. Watson. ISBN 084930038X. 2000 D 90778
Applied mycology and biotechnology . Vol. 2. Agriculture and food production. D. K. Arora (Ed.). ISBN 0-444-51030-3. 2002 D 90669/2
Handbook of pesticide toxicology . 2nd ed. R: Krieger. ISBN 0-12-426260-0. 2001 D 90741/1; D 90741/2
World organisation for animal health (OIE):
Scientific and technical review:
Vol. 19 (1). An update on zoonoses. ISBN 92-9044-512-2. 2000 D 85281/19/1
Vol. 19 (2). Diseases of poultry: world trade and public health implications. ISBN 92-9044-516-5. 2000 D 85281/19/2
Vol. 20 (1). Mycobacterial infections in domestic and wild animals. ISBN 92-9044-519-X. 2001 D 85281/20/1
Vol. 20 (2). Traceability of animals and animal products. ISBN 92-9044-524-6. 2001 D 85281/20/2
Vol. 20 (3). Original articles. 2001 D 85281/20/3
Vol. 21 (1) and Vol 21 (2). Infectious diseases of wildlife: detection, diagnosis and management . ISBN 92-9044-554-8, 92-9044-567-X. 2002 D 85281/21/1; D 85281/21/2
Vol. 21 (3). Foot and mouth disease: facing the new dilemmas. ISBN 92-9044-568-8. 2002 D 85281/21/3
WHO/OIE manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals : a public health problem of global concern, Eckert, J. 2001. ISBN 92-9044-522-X C 37837