IWC: 5. mezinárodní konference o syrovátce
Vydáno: 13. 5. 2009
Sborník prezentací z 5. IWC, která se uskutečnila ve dnech 7.–9. září 2008 v Paříži.
Ve dnech 7.–9. září 2008 se uskutečnila v Paříži 5. mezinárodní konference o syrovátce (IWC 2008). Konference proběhla v následujících sekcích:
Plenární sekce: Jak syrovátka dobyla svět potravin
Paralelní sekce 1: Syrovátka, zdravá cesta ke zvýšení nutriční hodnoty spotřebitelských výrobků
Paralelní sekce 2: Syrovátka, výhodná do spotřebitelských výrobků ve všech segmentech trhu
Paralelní sekce 3: Inovace ve zpracování syrovátky, nové způsoby rozvoje podnikání
Prezentace (Lunch Presentation): Potraviny pro zítřek …. využívající syrovátkové produkty
Plenární sekce: Další vyhlídky pro syrovátku ve spotřebitelských výrobcích
Je k dispozici sborník prezentací, popř. souhrnů nebo abstraktů.
2: Food market trends: how can whey give the solution (pdf, 5,55 MB)
3: Why whey is that healthy (pdf, 1,49 MB)
4: The whey market: mechanism of supply and pricing (pdf, 282 kB)
5: Whey, the natural source for a broad range of food ingredients: products of refining and fractionation of whey (pdf, 306 kB)
6: New insights into the significance of protein quality in human diets (pdf, 385 kB)
7: High-protein diets in weight reduction: effects on fat mass, muscle mass and risk factors of the metabolic syndrome (pdf, 188 kB)
9. Effects of high-protein diets on lean body mass preservation, metabolism, well-being and kidney function in weight loss (doc, 26 kB)
10: Significance of protein composition in body protein anabolism by resistance exercise (pdf, 522 kB)
13: Developing whey-based innovative bioactive ingredients (pdf, 1,48 MB)
14: Importance of whey ingredients in confectionery products (pdf, 462 kB)
15: Infant Formula and importance of whey products in China (doc, 41 kB)
16: Beverages and dairy products as market for whey based ingredients (doc, 23 kB)
17: From whey to therapeutics (pdf, 665 kB)
18: Developments in downstream processing of whey for new products (pdf, 1,75 MB)
19: Recent improvements in lactose crystallisation and in drying parameters for improving quality and uses of acid whey and of derivated powders (pdf, 1,78 MB)
22: Hydrolysis of whey proteins: oppotunities for new functionalities (chybí)
23: Proteins and satiety: new insights (pdf, 302 kB)
24: High-protein diets in weight management; short- and long term effects; significance of protein quality (pdf, 253 kB)
25: Whey and gut health promotion, a review (chybí)
26: Lactose intolerance: the irrelevance for the Chinese market (pdf, 445 kB)
27: Nutritional benefits of lactose and lactose derived products (pdf, 277 kB)
28: Beneficial effects of prebiotic oligosacharides added to infant formulas (pdf, 310 kB)
29: Whey, the gut microbiota and the infuence on human health (pdf, 589 kB)
30: Importance of whey components in items for children (incl. brand and marketing aspects) (pdf, 1,44 MB)
31: Inhibiting Protein Aggregation and Hardening in Whey based Nutritional Bars (pdf, 1,31 MB)
32: Sports recovery gels (pdf, 561 kB)
33: Whey components as prebiotics; use with patients undergoing surgery to prepare for better recovery (doc, 38,5 kB)
34: Whey and HIV/AIDS, from strategy to field work (pdf, 260 kB)
35: –
36: What can we learn from infant nutrition? (pdf, 545 kB)
38: Application of antimicrobial proteins lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase for oral hygiene (pdf, 155 kB)
39: Lactase as a tool in new product development (pdf, 727 kB)
40: Osteopontin –a multifunctional whey protein (pdf, 175 kB)
41: Future for the whey products market from a whey processor’s perspective (pdf, 472 kB)
42: Future for the whey products market from a customer’s perspective (pdf, 828 kB)
43: Recent results of the research into the possible contribution of whey powders in the fight against obesity (pdf, 547 kB)
44: How health needs may create new markets for whey products in China? (pdf, 710 kB)
45: How recognition of the superior contribution of whey based ingredients may shape the future for marketing? (pdf, 642 kB)
Lunch Presentation: Food for tomorrow…using whey products (pdf, 5,1 MB)
Zdroj: IWC