Food Factory 2010
Vydáno: 13. 4. 2010
Uskuteční se 30.6.–2.7.2010 v Gothenburgu (Švédsko). Sborník z Food Factory 2008.
Ve dnech 30.6.–2.7.2010 se uskuteční ve švédském Gothenburgu v pořadí již 5. mezinárodní konference pod názvem Food Factory 2010 (Potravinářský podnik budoucnosti). Konference se bude zaměřovat na následující hlavní témata:
– Výroba na požadovanou kvalitu
– Udržitelná výroba potravin
– Inteligentní kontrola výroby a automatizace
– Regulace mikroorganismů
– Udržitelná výroba potravin
– Inteligentní kontrola výroby a automatizace
– Regulace mikroorganismů
Vědecký program 30.6.2010
Vědecký program 1.7.2010
Vědecký program 2.7.2010
Více informací o Food Factory 2010.
Ve dnech 4.–6.6.2008 se uskutečnila ve Francii (Laval) 4. konference Food Factory 2008.
Níže je přehled prezentací*, které na konferenci zazněly.
Níže je přehled prezentací*, které na konferenci zazněly.
* Airflow pattern in industrial ventilation devices: challenge of the dynamic studies
* Air cycle combined heating and cooling
* GMP and HACCP in Saffron Processing Plants of IRAN
* Protective clothing in hygienic areas
* Biocides used in food processing environment and concern about bacterial resistance
* Virucidal Activity Of Non-Halogenous Oxidizing Products Against Bacteriophages MS2 And P001, Bovine Enterovirus 1 (ECBO) And Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
* Water disinfection: the effect of microsecond electric pulses (PEF) at kHz
* Air cycle combined heating and cooling
* GMP and HACCP in Saffron Processing Plants of IRAN
* Protective clothing in hygienic areas
* Biocides used in food processing environment and concern about bacterial resistance
* Virucidal Activity Of Non-Halogenous Oxidizing Products Against Bacteriophages MS2 And P001, Bovine Enterovirus 1 (ECBO) And Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
* Water disinfection: the effect of microsecond electric pulses (PEF) at kHz
frequencies on Escherichia coli
* ZEAL: Zero Emissions by Advanced cLeaning
* Rapid chilling of carcasses using vascular perfusion
* Microarrays to study Lactococcus lactis and Staphylococcus aureus interactions in cheese matrix
* Analysis of wooden shelves surface microflora during the ripening of soft and smear cheeses with respect to their anti – Listeria monocytogenes potential
* Colonization by culturable and viable but non-culturable bacterial cells of new materials introduced in a refrigerated display cabinet for pork meat products
* Measurement and modelling of the attachment of bacteria to the surfaces of fruit and vegetable tissues
* The effect of a synthetic bromated furanone on the production of biofilm by different Salmonella wild type strains
* High pressure sterilization- A new temperature control concept for basic inactivation studies
* Knowledge management applied to cheese ripening
* Characterizing the hydrodynamic of Cleaning in place
* Front face fluorescence analysiFront face fluorescence analysis to monitor the heat process and predict neoformed contaminants in processed food products
* ZEAL: Zero Emissions by Advanced cLeaning
* Rapid chilling of carcasses using vascular perfusion
* Microarrays to study Lactococcus lactis and Staphylococcus aureus interactions in cheese matrix
* Analysis of wooden shelves surface microflora during the ripening of soft and smear cheeses with respect to their anti – Listeria monocytogenes potential
* Colonization by culturable and viable but non-culturable bacterial cells of new materials introduced in a refrigerated display cabinet for pork meat products
* Measurement and modelling of the attachment of bacteria to the surfaces of fruit and vegetable tissues
* The effect of a synthetic bromated furanone on the production of biofilm by different Salmonella wild type strains
* High pressure sterilization- A new temperature control concept for basic inactivation studies
* Knowledge management applied to cheese ripening
* Characterizing the hydrodynamic of Cleaning in place
* Front face fluorescence analysiFront face fluorescence analysis to monitor the heat process and predict neoformed contaminants in processed food products
Zdroj: Sborník Food Factory 2008
*) všechny prezentace jsou v pdf formátu