Aktuální pracovní příležitosti v EFSA
Všichni v EFSA se podílejí na plnění poslání Úřadu, kterým je zajištění bezpečnosti potravin v EU. V EFSA se všichni věnují potravinám a jejich bezpečnosti, od vědců přes odborníky na komunikaci až po kolegy, kteří podporují každodenní činnost Úřadu.
Níže uvádíme přehled aktuálně obsazovaných pracovních pozic v EFSA (situace k 11. 8. 2023).

Senior Scientific Officer – Chemical Informatics
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy
is looking for a
Senior Scientific Officer – Chemical Informatics
(Temporary Agent, Grade AD8)
Please send us your application by no later than 21 September 2023 at 23:59 (Italian time), following the instructions in the ANNEX.
Are you a passionate scientist keen on contributing to the risk assessment of EFSA under the new Transparency Regulation and on the ongoing collaboration amongst EFSA, ECHA, EMA and EEA, which are striving to move towards a more integrated and holistic assessment of chemicals while reducing animal testing (“one substance – one assessment” approach)? Do you have experience in IUCLID standard and tools, in defining or using OECD OHT templates or, more in general, in designing structured data formats for chemical dossiers, and supporting with dossier ingestion, validation and data extraction? Are you familiar with chemical safety assessment techniques and tools (ChemInformatics) e.g. Q-SAR, read-across, identification, grouping and categorisation of chemicals? Are you interested in liaising with key stakeholders, within a regulatory framework?

Legal Officer
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy
is looking for a
Legal Officer
(Temporary Agent, Grade AD5)
Please send us your application by no later than 14 September 2023 at 23:59 (local time), following the instructions in the ANNEX.
Are you a highly motivated professional with experience in the legal field? Do you want to play an active role within a dynamic team in a multicultural organization? EFSA is looking for a legal officer with a results driven mind and an ability to work proactively, both individually and in a team.

Scientific Officer Chemistry/Toxicology
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy
is looking for a
Scientific Officer in the area of Chemistry and/or Toxicology
(Contract Agent, Function Group IV)
Please send us your application by no later 18 September 2023 at 23:59 (local time), following the instructions in the ANNEX.
Are you a motivated and enthusiastic scientist with a background in Chemistry and/or Toxicology? Are you passionate and motivated to ensure the safety of food in Europe? The goal of this selection procedure is to establish a talent pool of Chemists and Toxicologists.

Scientific Data Steward
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy
is looking for a
Scientific Data Steward
(Contract Agent, Function Group IV)
Please send us your application by no later than 4 September 2023 at 23:59 (Italian time), following the instructions in the ANNEX.
EFSA is looking for Scientific Data Stewards who are familiar with collecting, collating and validating scientific data and are confident in interacting with stakeholders to support the scientific risk assessment process from data acquisition to data analysis and data publication.

Data Officer
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy
is looking for a
Data Officer
(Contract Agent, Function Group IV)
Please send us your application by no later than 4 September 2023 at 23:59 (Italian time), following the instructions in the ANNEX.
Are you passionate about data and would you love to work in a scientific and corporate data ecosystem? EFSA is looking for data officers, who are familiar with working in the scientific & corporate data ecosystem and can tailor data and IT solutions to support the scientific risk assessment process and the decision-making process of EFSA developing data pipelines from data acquisition to data analysis, data reporting and data visualization.
Další informace o uvedených pracovních nabídkách najdete na uvedených odkazech na webových stránkách EFSA.
Zdroj: EFSA