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Výběrové řízení EFSA: Biological relevance of the magnitude of effects observed in studies with amphibians and reptiles

Vydáno: 28. 5. 2015
Autor: KM EFSA

Projekt OC/EFSA/PRAS/2015/01

Evropský úřad pro bezpečnost potravin (EFSA) vypisuje výběrové řízení na řešení projektu „Biological relevance of the magnitude of effects (considering mortality, sub-lethal and reproductive effects) observed in studies with amphibians and reptiles in view of population-level impacts on amphibians and reptiles

Předmět projektu:
In order to support the development of a sound and robust scientific risk assessment scheme, it is necessary to collect information on the biological relevance of effects (e.g. mortality, sub-lethal and reproductive effects) observed in laboratory studies in view of population-level impacts on amphibians and reptiles. The aim is to have a basis for suggesting extrapolation factors for future risk assessment schemes. The collected data will later on be used to make a link between effects observed in the laboratory studies to population-level effects and to establish a basis for deriving trigger values for first-tier assessments which are based on laboratory studies.

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Termín pro podání nabídky: 3. července 2015

Zdroj: EFSA: Call for tender – Biological relevance of the magnitude of effects (considering mortality, sub-lethal and reproductive effects) observed in studies with amphibians and reptiles in view of population-level impacts on amphibians and reptiles (OC/EFSA/PRAS/2015/01)