Veřejná zakázka EFSA: Update of PERSAM software models for predicting environmental concentrations of plant protection products in soil in permanent crop and annual crops
Vydáno: 22. 2. 2018
Autor: KM EFSA
Termín pro vyjádření zájmu: 21. 3. 2018
The main objective of this tender procedure is to update the PERSAM software tool for calculating the predicted environmental concentrations of substances and their transformation products in soil in support of the published EFSA guidance document for predicting environmental concentrations of PPPs in soil (EFSA, 2017). The updated PERSAM software tool will be based on an analytical model for which both the concepts and the mathematical equations are described in Appendix A of the EFSA guidance document (2017).
Veškeré informace k veřejné zakázce jsou dostupné v elektronickém tržišti EU (TED).
Zdroj: EFSA: Tenders €144k+