Veřejná zakázka EFSA: Training in Collecting, Appraising and Synthesising Evidence for EFSA scientific assessments
Vydáno: 22. 2. 2018
Autor: KM EFSA
Termín pro vyjádření zájmu: 30. 4. 2018
The overall objective of this procurement procedure is to support EFSA to develop in-house capacity to collect, appraise and synthesize evidence coming from literature sources in the context of food and feed scientific assessment. The Authority intends to select a contractor to deliver a series of tailored training courses on collecting, appraising and synthesizing evidence coming from literature sources in the context of food and feed scientific assessment.
Veškeré informace k veřejné zakázce jsou dostupné v elektronickém tržišti EU (TED).
Zdroj: EFSA: Tenders €144k+