Bezpečnost potravin

Projekt „Posílení bezpečnosti potravin a ochrany spotřebitele v Tunisku“

Vydáno: 18. 2. 2021
Autor: KM EFSA

Německý spolkový úřad pro hodnocení rizik (BfR) obsazuje pozici projektového manažera tohoto projektu

Since 1 January 2021, Germany supports Tunisia in the implementation of the new food safety law in a project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The 5-year project will be conducted by BfR and its sister institution the federal office for consumer protection and food safety (BVL).The project pursues the goal of strategic and sustainable restructuring of the public authority landscape and at the same time the competence development of experts and managers by means of a combined analytical consulting and „capacity development“ approach. Strengthening the official structures for food safety and consumer health protection serves as an important basis for increasing the production of safe food and for improving national health and consumer protection. Thus, the project is also expected to have a positive impact on the national labour market in the agri-food sector and the export of Tunisian products (with a regional focus) in the medium term.

BfR is currently advertising the position of project manager (based in Tunis). The closing date for applications is 28. 02. 2021.



Zdroj: BfR