Přesun řízení programu BTSF v SANTE z Unit D1 v Bruselu do Unit F6 v Grange
Reorganizace DG SANTE
Dear colleagues, Dear BTSF contact points,
This is a short message to say ‘goodbye’ to all of you on behalf of the BTSF team.
DG SANTE is indeed being officially reorganised as of today and, as part of the changes, it was decided to transfer the management in SANTE of the BTSF programme to Unit F6 in Grange (Ireland).
After more than ten years spent on building piece after piece the BTSF programme, we can say that we had the chance to work with most of you. It has been a privilege to share with you the endeavour of contributing to the protection of EU citizens’ health and food safety through this incredible training programme.
We would like to thank you for your fantastic day-to-day involvement, support and contribution in this process and for all the friendship you extended to us over the years. We should be all very proud of our achievements which make BTSF a runaway success story and a fully world-recognised training programme in the SPS field. Thanks to the continued efforts of all and your patience, BTSF has indeed become essential to the implementation of EU food safety rules within the EU but also beyond.
There have been a lot of positive progress over this period, and much groundwork laid that should deliver further results in the future with our colleagues in F6 and at CHAFEA.
The new BTSF team in F6 is composed of Mr Desmond Maguire (Desmond.Maguire@ec.europa.eu) and Mrs Michèle Kabata (Michele.Kabata@ec.europa.eu). You could contact them from now on, where needed. The BTSF functional mailbox will not change and remains operational: SANTE-TRAININGFORSAFERFOOD@ec.europa.eu
It was an outstanding experience for us in the team and we hope for you too!
Our very best wishes to you all for the future and good health to you and your families.
The BTSF sector in SANTE D1
Isabelle, José Luis, Alexis and Thierry