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Pracovní místo v EFSA: Chief Scientist

Vydáno: 25. 11. 2021
Autor: KM EFSA

Termín pro zaslání přihlášky do výběrového řízení: 10. ledna 2022

Chief Scientist

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy 
is looking for a 
Chief Scientist
(Temporary Agent, Grade AD12) 

Please send us your application by no later than 10 January 2022 at 23:59 (local time),
following the instructions in the ANNEX

EFSA is looking for a passionate and distinguished scientist, who will be in charge of shaping EFSA’s scientific strategy and will act as our scientific ambassador in high level scientific fora. Fostering cooperation and innovation you will create and nurture scientific networks both inside and outside EFSA. 

Your key responsibilities

Strategic and Innovation Adviser:
• Develop EFSA’s scientific strategic direction and identify emerging scientific trends relevant for EFSA preparedness.
• Advise the Executive Director in developing the overall vision, strategic scientific positioning and preparedness of the organisation, and provide independent challenge to ensure robust, relevant and high quality science and evidence, 
• Provide stewardship of innovation and transformation agenda; Support and set a strategic direction of
the Scientific Committee, panels & working groups work.

Scientific Ambassador: 
• Represent EFSA internationally in high level scientific fora and support external scientific communication on cross-cutting complex scientific matters.
• Contribute to the effective communication of EFSA’s messages to stakeholders and the general public.

Cooperation and Partnership Expert:
Foster scientific cooperation and partnership initiatives with EU institutions, EU agencies, Member States, international organisations and third countries.
• Leverage connections for developing and cultivating EFSA’s networks with Institutions and the scientific community on European and global level and for promoting EFSA’s research priorities.


Zdroj: EFSA