Od:                                              2013 96 05 VMP [vmp_20139605@aets-consultants.com]

Odesláno:                                17. prosince 2014 16:57

Komu:                                        NCP AUSTRIA Hannes POHLA (BTSF@ages.at); NCP BELGIUM Debois Bruno (BRUNO.DEBOIS@afsca.be); NCP BULGARIA Marina Abadjieva (m.abadjieva@nsrz.government.bg); NCP BULGARIA Marina BFSA (marina.bfsa@gmail.com); NCP CROATIA Krešimir Kralj (kresimir.kralj@mps.hr); NCP CROATIA Ksenija Longo (ksenija.longo@mps.hr); NCP CYPRUS Katia Stephanidou (kstephanidou@vs.moa.gov.cy); Lepešková Ivana; NCP DENMARK Vibeke Grunnel (kompetencegruppen@fvst.dk); NCP ESTONIA Katrin Reili (katrin.reili@vet.agri.ee); NCP ESTONIA Raina Mottus (raina.mottus@pma.agri.ee); NCP FINLAND Henrika Aapro (btsf@evira.fi); NCP FINLAND Juha Rautalin (juha.rautalin@evira.fi); NCP FRANCE Dyna Koncki (dyna.koncki@dgccrf.finances.gouv.fr); NCP FRANCE Monise Theobald (monise.theobald@agriculture.gouv.fr); NCP FYROM Svetlana Mickova (stmickova@fva.gov.mk); NCP GERMANY Svenja Sickert (BTSF@bvl.bund.de); NCP GREECE Mary Gianniou (ka6u026@minagric.gr); effo@vm.gov.hu; NCP HUNGARY Papp Anita (anita.papp@vm.gov.hu); NCP ICELAND Anna Dóra Guðmundsdóttir (btsf@mast.is); NCP IRELAND Cliona O'Reilly (Training@fsai.ie); NCP IRELAND Peter Mullowney (peter.mullowney@agriculture.gov.ie); NCP ITALY Francesca Calvetti (Btsf-contactpoint-di@sanita.it); Inga Bedrīte (Inga.Bedrite@pvd.gov.lv); NCP LIECHTENSTEIN Daniel Huber (daniel.huber@alkvw.llv.li); NCP LITHUANIA Giedre Ciuberkyte (gciuberkyte@vet.lt); NCP LUXEMBOURG  (formations@osqca.etat.lu); NCP LUXEMBOURG OSQCA (secretariat@osqca.etat.lu); NCP MALTA Clive Tonna (clive.j.tonna@gov.mt); ALEX.LEVENTHAL@MOH.HEALTH.GOV.IL; Ljiljana Milovanovic; NCP NETHERLANDS Dick Schumer (VWANCPSaferFood@vwa.nl); NCP NORWAY Astrid Nordbotten (Training.SaferFood@mattilsynet.no); a.jamka@gis.gov.pl; NCP POLAND Joanna Chil (joanna.chil@wetgiw.gov.pl); NCP PORTUGAL Ana Cristina Veloso Basto Ucha Lopes (auchalopes@dgav.pt); dsnsa@gpp.pt; NCP ROMANIA Codrin Bortisca (bortisca.codrin@ansvsa.ro); NCP SERBIA Milanka Davidovic (m.davidovic@minpolj.gov.rs); NCP SLOVAKIA Lubica Hozova (lubica.hozova@land.gov.sk); milan.kovac@land.gov.sk; NCP SLOVENIA (bozo.zakrajsek@gov.si); NCP SPAIN Jorge FERNANDEZ (formacionue@magrama.es); NCP SPAIN Milagros Nieto (mnietom@msssi.es); NCP SWEDEN Kajsa Gustavsson (btsfcontactsweden@slv.se); btsf@bvet.admin.ch; NCP TURKEY Neslihan Alper (neslihan.alper@tarim.gov.tr); NCP TURKEY Ozkan Köylübay  (ozkan.koylubay@tarim.gov.tr); NCP UK (eutraining@foodstandards.gsi.gov.uk); NCP UK Bill DRENNAN (Bill.Drennan@foodstandards.gsi.gov.uk); NCP UK Daniel Lovelle-Diaz (Daniel.lovelle-diaz@foodstandards.gsi.gov.uk); Gani Moka; Gani Moka; Aleksandar Nemet; NCP BiH Dzemil Hajric (hajric@fsa.gov.ba); NCP BiH Jelena Milos (jelena.milos@eeas.europa.eu); NCP BiH Vildana Tahirovic (vildana.tahirovic@vet.gov.ba); NCP Egypt; grigoreporcescu@rambler.ru; NCP MOROCCO  (zeineb.elbouchikhi@ONSSA.GOV.MA); svv@vet.gov.ua

Předmět:                                  BTSF project on "Residues of Veterinary Medicinal Products"_CHANGES in locations

Přílohy:                                     VMP_Op14_registration form_2015_v2.xlsx


Důležitost:                               Vysoká


Dear National Contact Points,


I’m contacting you regarding the « Residues of Veterinary Medicinal Products » project.


The training sessions in 2015 will suffer some slight changes (2 locations).

Please find below the updated and correct table with the dates and locations for the next 6 training sessions of the above mentioned project:

Session 8 will be held in Venice/Italy, not in Trim. Session 12 will be held in Trim/Ireland, not in Venice.






Trim, Ireland

24-27 February 2015

19 Januray


Venice, Italy

24-27 March 2015

16 February


Venice, Italy

14-17 April 2015

9 March


Krakow, Poland

2-5 June 2015

27 April


Madrid, Spain

7-10 July 2015

1 June


Trim, Ireland

29 September-2 October 2015

24 August


Please be so kind to find in attachment the correct Registration Form.

If you have already registered participants for session 8 or 12, please be so kind to confirm that they are still interested in attending.


Thanking you in advance for your effort and support. Looking forward to receiving your participants in short time!

With my best regards,


Rita Ventura



17, Avenue André Marie Ampère

64140 Lons - France


Tel : +33 (0)5 59 72 43 23

Fax : +33 (0)5 59 72 43 24

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